
Make customer progress your growth engine

The plan for your most effective strategy development.

What is your challenge?

  • Ineffective product development due to unclear customer needs.
  • Wasting marketing money due to unawareness of what makes customers buy.
  • Losing customers and not knowing why.
Then you need to better know what customers care about, what to build and how to sell.

So, you think you know customers?

The perception of knowing your target audience is your biggest risk. 

Plausibility – deceptive certainty

The belief that your assumptions about customers are plausible gives you a false sense of safety.

According to our analysis, without targeted customer discovery, cognitive biases and blind spots of organizations are significant:

  • up to 90% factors that impede the acquisition or use of a new solutions are unknown,
  • up to 81% of an organization’s assumptions cannot be validated,
  • on average, only 30% of an organization’s assumptions can be confirmed.

Work with insights from the real world

Dramatically increase the validity of your customer knowledge. Adjust your preconceptions, close your knowledge gaps, and lay the foundation for informed decisions.

The plausibility trap - All your assumptions about the market are plausible but you don't know your biases and blind spots.

Focus on information that you really need

Stop wasting time on generic market research. Focus on the data you need to make informed decisions.

Create insights that cover all phases of the customer journey and experiences. Provide product developers, marketers and sales strategists with the data needed in order to 

  • build the right solution,
  • create marketing campaigns that create movement,
  • produce buying aids that help close the sale.

Learn about what

  • customers want to get done
  • desires they have
  • pains and gains they experience
  • thoughts and emotions drive their journey
  • events trigger the next phase of their journey
  • constraints make progress difficult to achieve. 
Know how customers navigate through the phases of the Customer Journey

Utilize insights out of customer interviews

Learn from the premier source of motivational and contextual information. Rely on an information source you can trust. Use customer interviews and stories to understand the meaning of the customer journey.

Tap into the rich contextual data to extract insights:

  • use the greatest unmet needs to determine market potential,
  • identify unmet needs to create innovation ideas,
  • use motivators and inhibitors to inform marketing and sales.

Stop wasting time on generic research methods that do not provide insigths on the circumstances of customer behavior.

Interview Sprints

Conduct 45 to 60 min. structured interviews about the acquisition of solutions and/or their experience.

Capture Interview Data

Itemize, categorize, and visualize interview data.

Use insights that only you know for your competitive advantage. Take advantage of a structured approach to turn customer stories into actionable data and focus on insights that matter.

Utilize a structured customer interview process

Get unique benefits when working with a structured approach.

Customer Motivation

Reveal the deep motivation for acquiring products and services.

Actionable Data

Create actionable data for product or service design, marketing, sales, and service.

Meaningful Questions

Create an insightful conversation with the help of effective questions.

360° Perspective

Get unparalled insights into all phases of the customer cycle.

Structured Data

Recognize patterns in the buying process and user experience.

Fast Evaluation

Get rid of the backlog in customer interview evaluations.

Trustworthy Source

Make confident decisions based on the most trustworthy source of information.

Visualized Data

Work with easy-to-understand and navigate visualized data.

Exploit Interviews

Exploit the entire interview content, do not waste precious information.

Structure data for clarity

Itemize interview statements into 12 categories so they become manageable. Identify between 70 and 130 data points per interview. Aggregate, prioritize, and use the data for ideation. Take advantage of our pool of questions to uncover insights you don’t get otherwise.

Structure interview data

  • Functional and emotional tasks, customers try to accomplish
  • Pains suffered from performing the task
  • Gains achieve by performing the task
  • Events that trigger the next phase of the customer journey
  • Constraints that restrict the customer journey or the use of solutions
  • Solutions acquired to make progress 
  • Pushes that motivate & Habits that keep customers from looking for a new solution 
  • Pulls that motivate & Anxieties that keep customers from acquiring a new solution
  • Desired Outcomes that inspire & Avoidances that discourage customers

Systematically Develop a Customer-Informed Strategy

Make customer's progress your priority

Align your operations with the customers' needs and beat your competition.

Use insights from customers to create better products and services

Make JTBD customer interviews the source of your innovation process.

Implement the insights within days

Apply our sprint format and focus on the right things and fast execution.

Customer Progress Design - Our fast-track visual process

We are by your side

Achieve continuous alignment with customers

We help you to develop a customer-centric strategy

participants trained
0 +
interviews conducted
0 +
years experience consulting on Jobs-to-be-done (JTBD)
0 +


Choose Your Starting Point

Do you work for a consulting company, an agency, or a forward-thinking organization? Take the path that is right for you.

1. Apply customer-centric strategy development

Let our experts run your project.

2. Learn customer-centric strategy development

Learn the method using your project.

3. Test drive structured interviews

Discover the value of structure.

Make strategic decisions with confidence

Benefit from generating and processing meaningful qualitative data at light speed. Unite your stakeholders behind customer jobs. Create a cohesive product, marketing, and sales strategy. Take advantage of our end-to-end strategy development template, The Wheel of Progress Canvas, and other advanced tools to take decisions with confidence.

Our method in detail

Step 1

Determine Project Scope

Establish initial hypotheses and determine interviewee profiles.

Step 2

Conduct Customer Interviews

Systematically conduct interviews and structure the data.

Step 3

Generalize Interview Data

Cluster and generalize the data.

Step 4

Prioritize Customer Jobs

Prioritize customer jobs according to rational criteria.

Step 5

Develop Strategy Based on Data

Use customer jobs and other data to inform the ideation process.

Whitepaper - Customer-Centric Culture Transformation

Whitepaper Customer-Centric Transformation

What is your challenge?

  • Ineffective product development due to unclear customer needs.
  • Wasting marketing money due to unawareness of what makes customers buy.
  • Losing customers and not knowing why.

Then you need to better know what customers care about, what to build and how to sell. 

Customer Motivation

Reveal the deep motivation for acquiring products and services.

Actionable Data

Create actionable data for all stakeholder groups.

Meaningful Questions

Use questions that help get the most out of interviews and breakthrough insights.

360° Perspective

Get insights on each phase of the buying cycle.

Structured Data

Itemize and structure qualitative data that can be aggregated easily.

Fast Evaluation

Get rid of lengthy and inefficient interview evaluations.

Trustworthy Source

Use the most trustworthy data – data straight from the source.

Visualized Data

Work with easy-to-understand visualized data.

Exploit Interviews

Exploit the entire interview content, do not waste precious information.

Customer Motivation

Reveal the deep motivation for acquiring products and services.

Actionable Data

Create actionable data for all stakeholder groups.

Meaningful Questions

Use questions that help get the most out of interviews and breakthrough insights.

360° Perspective

Get insights on each phase of the buying cycle.

Structured Data

Itemize and structure qualitative data that can be aggregated easily.

Fast Evaluation

Get rid of lengthy and inefficient interview evaluations.

Trustworthy Source

Use the most trustworthy data – data straight from the source.

Visualized Data

Work with easy-to-understand visualized data.

Exploit Interviews

Exploit the entire interview content, do not waste precious information.

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